Yoga (योग) which was originated in ancient India is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices. The term ‘Yoga’ Consists of a Posture called Asanas. and Nowadays it is very helpful for each of us because it mainly helps for being calm and reduces mental stress as well as increase physical strengthen.
Few Basic Yoga Asanas
Tadasana:– The pose teaches us to stand like a mountain. Tada means mountain. Benefits of this asana id to helping of increasing the height and for women this asana helps to improve the menstrual cycle.
Vrikshasana:– Vrikshasana (वृक्षासन) or also known as tree pose is one of those few asanas who help for balancing. this asana helps to improve body balance as well as giving the optimum posture to the body. it improves concentration reduces risks of Sciatica.
Balasana:- Also known as Child Pose. this asana helps to Reduce Stress, improves the digestion, lengthen and strengthen the lower back, improves blood circulation, and this asana helps to calm the mind and reduce the high-level stress and effect of insomnia.
Utkatasana:-This asana is also known as Standing asana. this asana helps to strengthen the ankles, stretches shoulders, Stimulates the heart, Reduce Stress and help to correct body posture.
Trikonasana:- This is a triangle pose asana which helps to improve the function of blood for the entire body, reduce anxiety, stress, give flexibility, give cure of indigestion.
Adho Mukho Svanasana:- This asana is a downward-facing dog pose asana. this asana helps to make the body energized, and lengthens the spine, it helps to make lower back more strengthens.
Naukasana:- Naukasana is a boat pose asana. It helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles, helps to regulate the blood flow, improves flexibility. The asthma patient is advised not to do Naukasana for a certain time interval.
Bhujangasana:-This asana is also known as Cobra pose. Strengthen the muscle of the Shoulder, Chest, Neck, and Arms. Improves digestion, Strengthen the spine, it helps to decrease stiffness and improves menstrual irregularities.
Paschimottanasana:- This asana helps to calm a brain, Relieve stress and reduces depression, Stimulates Kidney, uterus, and Liver. and helps for stretching spine, hamstring, and shoulders, Improves Flexibility.
Sukhasana:- Sukhasana is one of the easiest poses in Yoga. and it is also used for meditation on Buddhism and Hinduism. It helps for relaxation of the brain, Reduces Stress and Anxiety, Make You Feel Calm.
Physical Benefits of Yoga
- Increase muscle strength.
- Improvement of respiration and energy
- Increased body flexibility
- Weight loss
- Reduce stress
- increasing Sex Drive
- Cardio Health
- Protection from injury
- Improves blood flow
- Stimulates the heart
- Helps for making correct body posture
- Some yoga asana helpful for increasing height
International Yoga Day
On 27 September 2014, During his speech at UNGA, the prime minister of India Sh. Narendra Modi Proposed the idea of Yoga Day.
when proposing 21 June as the yoga day, Sh. Narendra Modi said that this is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere.
2018, at Kota, Rajasthan Over 1 lakh people gather at the yoga session. It made a world record.
Yoga Benefits that will help you in your daily lifestyle
Reviewed by trendytalks
August 15, 2019
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